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Protestors raise fists and hold signs with the face of George Floyd on them.

Brooklyn, New York / USA - June 19, 2020: Marchers raise their fists at a justice rally for George Floyd and celebration of Juneteenth. (Shutterstock)

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Many of the nearly 18,000 local law enforcement jurisdictions in the United States are recipients of federal grant funding.
Protestors carrying racial justice signs march away from the U.S. Capitol Building.
Excess military goods are transferred to police, sheriffs, and other agencies as federal grants-in-aid.
A man faces a row of police officers holding shields.
Settlements in police misconduct cases can result in policing policy changes and monetary compensation.
A protestor holds a sign reading "End qualified immunity"
Consent decrees are independently-monitored agreements between police departments and the Department of Justice that require changes to law enforcement practices.
Behind a Chicago Police Department car, protestors rally for racial justice.