16.804 Recovery Act - Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant JAG Program Grants To Units Of Local Government grants
16.804 Recovery Act - Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant JAG Program Grants To Units Of Local Government
Data sources
All federal grants data presented on this site are provided via the USASpending API. The description of each grant links directly to the grant detail page on USASpending.gov.
The grants displayed have been awarded to one of the cities or counties we are currently tracking in this database. Further details about the USASpending queries made for each city or county can be found on their respective pages.
This is not a complete list of all grants awarded from this assistance program, which may include additional jurisdictions and/or grants not awarded to law enforcement agencies. We do not recommend aggregating the amounts shown here, as these grants may be a mix of prime and sub grants.
Historic data
We currently present data for grants with a start date within the last 10 fiscal years.
Update frequency
Grant data are updated quarterly, as our resources permit.
Data for “16.804 Recovery Act - Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant JAG Program Grants To Units Of Local Government” were last published on Sep 22, 2021.
Have questions or suggestions?
Contact us by email at policefundingdatabase@naacpldf.org
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