Displaying 8 of 28 prime and sub grants from FY 2014-2024, totaling $3,204,951.12

Data was last updated November 2, 2021 | Download data (.csv)

USA spending grants for: Huntsville
Amount Start and end dates Recipient and description Awarding agency CFDA program Type
$168,369.00 10/1/2015
CITY OF HUNTSVILLE LAW ENFORCEMENT EQUIPMENT ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs 16.738 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program Prime
$79,468.60 9/1/2015
CITY OF HUNTSVILLE AMAS FIRE Department of Homeland Security Federal Emergency Management Agency 97.067 Homeland Security Grant Program Sub
$33,076.00 9/1/2015
CITY OF HUNTSVILLE AMAS LAW Department of Homeland Security Federal Emergency Management Agency 97.067 Homeland Security Grant Program Sub
$24,448.38 9/1/2015
CITY OF HUNTSVILLE HOMELAND SECURITY GRANT LOCAL ALLOCATIONS Department of Homeland Security Federal Emergency Management Agency 97.067 Homeland Security Grant Program Sub
$176,528.02 1/1/2015
CITY OF HUNTSVILLE 2015 HIGH INTENSITY DRUG TRAFFICKING ASSISTANCE Executive Office of the President Office of the National Drug Control Policy 95.001 High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas Program Sub
$20,000.00 1/1/2015
CITY OF HUNTSVILLE 2015 HIGH INTENSITY DRUG TRAFFICKING ASSISTANCE Executive Office of the President Office of the National Drug Control Policy 95.001 High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas Program Sub
$153,308.00 10/1/2014
CITY OF HUNTSVILLE TECHNOLOGY IMPLEMENTATION AND UPGRADES Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs 16.738 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program Prime
$119,093.00 10/1/2013
CITY OF HUNTSVILLE DTF Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs 16.738 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program Sub

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