Displaying 6 of 6 prime and sub grants from FY 2015-2025, totaling $64,501.24

Data was last updated February 14, 2022 | Download data (.csv)

USA spending grants for: Mount Pleasant
Amount Start and end dates Recipient and description Awarding agency CFDA program Type
$11,003.00 10/1/2020
TOWN OF MOUNT PLEASANT TOWN HALL FY21 EDWARD BYRNE - PAN/TILT/ZOOM CAMERA UNIT Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs 16.738 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program Prime
$10,984.00 10/1/2018
TOWN OF MOUNT PLEASANT TOWN HALL MOBILE LICENSE PLATE READER SYSTEM Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs 16.738 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program Prime
$10,634.04 10/1/2017
TOWN OF MOUNT PLEASANT TOWN HALL TASERS FOR POLICE OFFICERS Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs 16.738 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program Prime
$10,543.57 10/1/2016
TOWN OF MOUNT PLEASANT TOWN HALL TASERS FOR POLICE OFFICERS Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs 16.738 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program Prime
$10,977.08 10/1/2015
TOWN OF MOUNT PLEASANT TOWN HALL TASERS FOR POLICE OFFICERS Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs 16.738 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program Prime
$10,359.55 10/1/2014
TOWN OF MOUNT PLEASANT TOWN HALL FY 15 JAG PROGRAM Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs 16.738 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program Prime