Glastonbury at a glance

Population by race and Hispanic origin

Cities in this database with the most similarly-sized populations

Full-time law enforcement staff, Glastonbury Police Department

  • 55 Officers
  • 16 Civilian staff

Full-time law enforcement officers per 1,000 residents

  • 2.01 Glastonbury
  • 4.3 National average, cities with under 10,000 population
  • 2.2 National average

These figures reflect the Glastonbury Police Department only, and do not include state or other police agencies that may be present in this location.

Federal grant funding for Glastonbury

We were unable to locate any federal grant funding for this location based on our standard search parameters. Learn more about the grant programs we are tracking.

Military equipment transfers

We were unable to locate any military equipment transfers for this location using the LESO Property Transferred to Participating Agencies database published by the Defense Logistics Agency. It is possible that this location has acquired military equipment for policing via other sources or programs.

Local police misconduct data, consent decrees, and settlements

Data last updated January 25, 2022


We identified 1 publicly reported settlement that resulted in.

Year Description Outcome

Former police sergeant Kristin Shubert will receive an undisclosed sum of money to settle a sex discrimination lawsuit.

Shubert’s lawsuit claimed that the Glastonbury Police Department discriminated against Shubert on the basis of sex when the Department promoted a male lieutenant instead of her despite the fact that Shubert scored the highest on a hiring exam and had more experience.
